
Notarial Fees and Disbursements


The Office, Gothic House
Barker Gate
Nottingham NG1 1JU

1. Affidavits, Affirmations, Declarations

1(a) Identifying deponent, administering oath or affirmation or taking declaration and completing and executing document without preparation of a Notarial Certificate £90.00.

1(b) Each additional deponent signing the same document at the same time £40.00.

1(c) All additional matters and time (e.g. contacting foreign lawyer and clarifying various legal issues) charged per hour or pro rata for part of an hour £250.00.

1(d) Attaching or marking exhibits £25.00 per exhibit.

1(e) Drafting, signing, sealing and attaching Notarial Certificate verifying execution of one document £40.00.


2. Power of Attorney

2(a) Authenticating a Power of Attorney prepared by foreign lawyers, for use overseas, including identifying the individual signing the deed, verifying mental capacity, authority to sign, understanding of the contents and willigness to sign, drafting, signing, sealing and attaching the Notarial Certificate (or signing and sealing the document in public form) £150.00.

2(b) All additional matters and time involved (e.g. communication with foreign lawyers) charged per hour or pro rata for part of an hour £250.00.

2(c) Each additional person signing the same document at the same time £60.00.


3. Deeds or other documents

3(a) Identifying signatory and witnesses and certifying execution or signing of a deed or other document (e.g. US land transaction documents), including completing, signing and sealing the acknowledgment £120.00 per document.

3(b) Each additional person signing the same document at the same time £40.00.

3(c) All additional matters and time involved (e.g. communication with lawyer or registry in foreign jurisdiction) charged per hour or pro rata for part of an hour £250.00.


4. Certifying copies of documents

4(a) Drafting, signing, sealing and attaching Notarial Certificate certifying copy of one document (up to 5 pages) £80.00.

4(b) For each additional page of the same document (per page beyond 5 pages) £5.00.

4(c) Ordering a birth, death, marriage or civil partnership original certificate from the General Register Office £20.00.

4(d) If more than one document notarised or verified, charged per hour or part of an hour £250.00.


5. Educational and Degree Certificates

5(a) Certifying copies of educational and degree certificates including drafting, signing, sealing and attaching Notarial Certificate £120.00.

5(b) Checking the qualification through HEDD, including securing consent from client for the university to communicate with the notary £30.00.

5(c) Contacting the educational institution to independently verify the document, including securing consent from client for the university to communicate with the notary £60.00.


6. Notarial services for companies

6(a) Authenticating Powers of Attorney executed by companies, including verifying the authority and identity of the signatories, their understanding of the contents of the deed and ensuring valid execution, and including drafting, signing, sealing and attaching Notarial Certificate or of the document in public form £250.00.

6(b) Drafting a minute of the board meeting or a written resolution (if required) £60.00.

6(c) Drafting, signing, sealing and attaching Notarial Certificate to company incorporation documents, including making searches and downloading company snapshot from Companies House £200.00.


7. Legalisation services

7(a) Apostilles. Preparing and submitting application for apostille to the Legalisation Office of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office £50.00 (+ £45.00 cost of apostille + cost of postal service).

7(b) Apostilles. Preparing and submitting application for apostille to a legalisation agent £50.00 (+ £40.00 cost of apostille + cost of services provided by legalisation agent + cost of postal or courier service).

7(b) Consular / Embassy Legalisation. Submitting notarised and authenticated document to Consulate or Embassy, obtaining legalisation, providing same to client or as directed, charged per hour
or pro rata for part of an hour £250.00 (+ cost of legalisation charged by the Consulate or Embassy + cost of postal or courier service + cost of services provided by legalisation agent, if required).


Please note:

None of the above fees or associated costs does include VAT. My company is not registered for VAT purposes and does not charge VAT.

I reserve the right to make discretionary discounts depending on the circumstances of each client and case.

Traveling to the client’s home address, to a company’s headquarters or to meeting rooms in various cities may incur an additional cost, of which each client will be informed in writing at the appropriate time, before the trip and provision of services.

The exact amount required of each client will be communicated in writing at the time of acceptance of the instructions.